NodeJs跟MySQL連線過久時的錯誤引發_Error: Cannot enqueue Query after fatal error.
當connection timeout時就會報錯
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 | //啟動mysql連線 //connect.connect(); connect.connect(function(err){ if(err) { console.log("\n\t *** Cannot establish a connection with the database. ***"); connect = reconnect(connect); }else { console.log("\n\t *** New connection established with the database. ***") } }); function reconnect(connection){ console.log("\n New connection tentative..."); //- Destroy the current connection variable if(connection) connection.destroy(); //- Create a new one var connection = mysql.createConnection(db_config); //- Try to reconnect connection.connect(function(err){ if(err) { //- Try to connect every 2 seconds. setTimeout(reconnect, 2000); }else { console.log("\n\t *** New connection established with the database. ***") return connection; } }); } //- Error listener connect.on('error', function(err) { //- The server close the connection. if(err.code === "PROTOCOL_CONNECTION_LOST"){ console.log("/!\\ Cannot establish a connection with the database. /!\\ ("+err.code+")"); connect = reconnect(connect); } //- Connection in closing else if(err.code === "PROTOCOL_ENQUEUE_AFTER_QUIT"){ console.log("/!\\ Cannot establish a connection with the database. /!\\ ("+err.code+")"); connect = reconnect(connect); } //- Fatal error : connection variable must be recreated else if(err.code === "PROTOCOL_ENQUEUE_AFTER_FATAL_ERROR"){ console.log("/!\\ Cannot establish a connection with the database. /!\\ ("+err.code+")"); connect = reconnect(connect); } //- Error because a connection is already being established else if(err.code === "PROTOCOL_ENQUEUE_HANDSHAKE_TWICE"){ console.log("/!\\ Cannot establish a connection with the database. /!\\ ("+err.code+")"); } //- Anything else else{ console.log("/!\\ Cannot establish a connection with the database. /!\\ ("+err.code+")"); connect = reconnect(connect); } }); //將該連線拋給外部進行訪問 module.exports = connect; |
Error: Cannot enqueue Query after fatal error. #1694
Cannot enqueue Query after fatal error #832
mysql Unable to log the fatal error, Cannot enqueue Query after fatal error