Non-photorealistic rendering(非真實感渲染)_印象派畫風效果_卡通化_ex1

非真實感繪製(Non-photorealistic rendering,NPR)

是電腦圖形學的一類,主要模擬藝術式的繪製風格,也用於發展新繪製風格。和傳統的追求真實感的電腦圖形學不同,NPR受到油畫、素描、技術圖紙,和動畫卡通的影響。NPR已經以「卡通著色」的形式出現在電影電子遊戲中,也出現在科學視覺化建築插圖試驗動畫中。這個方法在現代實用的例子是卡通動畫(Cel-shaded animation)


標準著色(左)vs   NPR著色(使用卡通著色)(右)

卡通渲染(Catoon Rendering / Toon Shading / Cel Shading

screenshot from "A Scanner Darkly" 2006
- The process for animating this film after shooting, was by "Rotoscoping" each frame, and then applying cel-shading filters to the footage. The rotoscoping allowed for animators to further enhance gestures or facial expressions captured during shooting, and also made applying the cell-shading filters to the vectors (captured by the rotoscoping) more accurate.

Patent drawing for Fleischer's original rotoscope.

 The artist is drawing on a transparent easel, onto which the movie projector at the right is beaming an image of a single movie frame.

Rotoscoping   對位

Rotoscoping is an animation technique in which animators trace over footage, frame by frame, for use in live-action and animated movies. Originally, recorded live-action movie images were projected onto a frosted glass panel and re-drawn by an animator. This projection equipment is referred to as a rotoscope. Although this device was eventually replaced by computers, the process is still referred to as rotoscoping.

animators 動畫師
trace over 描繪(出)
footage 鏡頭
live-action ------> Live-action animated film  

A live-action animated film is a film genre which utilizes various traditional animation or computer animation sequences, usually blended together, in live action films.

frosted 磨砂
re-drawn 重繪
 is referred to as 被稱作

Cel shading is a flat looking 3D image, with a cartoonish look exemplified by animated movies.

The basic elements of a cel shaded effect are :
Sharp shadows
Little or no highlight   /  不以強光照射
Outline around objects  /  邊界 


Cel Shaded - Digital rotoscoping filter

The input of a two-dimensional NPR system is most commonly an image; however, there are systems that take 3D geometry information as input and produce a 2D image or video as as output. Again, many of the systems are intended to mimic a desired artistic style, such as watercolor, impressionism, or pen and ink drawing. Sketchy style is a rendering form that mimic hand-drawn graph primitive.

mimic (vt): 模仿;模擬
desired artistic style : 所需的藝術風格
impressionism : 印象派
hand-drawn : 手繪
graph primitive : 原始圖

卡通渲染是一種非真實感渲染(non-photorealistic render)


Live-action animated film


卡通渲染 (Toon Shading)

link :

History Of The Rotoscoping Technique

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