多益單字Day 2_簽完合約後相關單字

簽完合約後 各有各自的義務要履行

obligation 義務(N.)  (發自內心要去做的...)

Taking care of their children is parents' obligation.

responsibility  責任(感)、職責  (N.)

Keeping house is my responsibility.

compulsory(Adj.) 必須做的;義務的;必修的

compulsory education   義務(強迫性的)教育(N.)
compulsory subject 必修科目(N.)
compulsory military service 義務性服兵役

party 雙方單方的用詞、政黨

Both parties agree to sign the agreement.

民進黨  Democratic Progressive Party  (DPP)
國民黨  Kuo Min Tang (KMT)  / Nationalist Party


provide  提供(v.)

Unless you provide better options , I won't sign contract.

provision 準備好的東西(N.) /糧食、供應;供應、預備

We brought enough provision for the entire trip.

professor 教授(N.)

profession  專業(N.)   <----->   major 主修(N.)

profile  大頭貼,個人簡介

high / low profile    高調/低調的(很喜歡讓人認識看到自己...)

promise 答應;承諾

abide by 遵守

Promise me that you will abide by our agreement.



何謂淨重(Net Weight)、皮重(Tare Weight)與毛重(Gross Weight)


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