多益單字Day 2_簽完合約後相關單字
簽完合約後 各有各自的義務要履行
obligation 義務(N.) (發自內心要去做的...)
Taking care of their children is parents' obligation.
responsibility 責任(感)、職責 (N.)
Keeping house is my responsibility.
compulsory(Adj.) 必須做的;義務的;必修的
compulsory education 義務(強迫性的)教育(N.)
compulsory subject 必修科目(N.)
compulsory military service 義務性服兵役
party 雙方單方的用詞、政黨
Both parties agree to sign the agreement.
民進黨 Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)
國民黨 Kuo Min Tang (KMT) / Nationalist Party
provide 提供(v.)
Unless you provide better options , I won't sign contract.
provision 準備好的東西(N.) /糧食、供應;供應、預備
We brought enough provision for the entire trip.
professor 教授(N.)
profession 專業(N.) <-----> major 主修(N.)
profile 大頭貼,個人簡介
high / low profile 高調/低調的(很喜歡讓人認識看到自己...)
promise 答應;承諾
abide by 遵守
Promise me that you will abide by our agreement.
obligation 義務(N.) (發自內心要去做的...)
Taking care of their children is parents' obligation.
responsibility 責任(感)、職責 (N.)
Keeping house is my responsibility.
compulsory(Adj.) 必須做的;義務的;必修的
compulsory education 義務(強迫性的)教育(N.)
compulsory subject 必修科目(N.)
compulsory military service 義務性服兵役
party 雙方單方的用詞、政黨
Both parties agree to sign the agreement.
民進黨 Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)
國民黨 Kuo Min Tang (KMT) / Nationalist Party
provide 提供(v.)
Unless you provide better options , I won't sign contract.
provision 準備好的東西(N.) /糧食、供應;供應、預備
We brought enough provision for the entire trip.
professor 教授(N.)
profession 專業(N.) <-----> major 主修(N.)
profile 大頭貼,個人簡介
high / low profile 高調/低調的(很喜歡讓人認識看到自己...)
promise 答應;承諾
abide by 遵守
Promise me that you will abide by our agreement.