多益單字Day 19 氣候變遷|和Cindy學英文_筆記
climate N. 氣候(長期)
weather N. 天氣 (短期)
climate change 氣候變遷
weather forecast 氣象報告
what's at stake ? 有捨麼事情很危急呢?
Union of Concerned Scientists 一群很擔憂的科學家組成的公會
Union 社團、公會
Concerned 很擔憂的、關心的
Global warming is already having significant and harmful effects on our communities , our health , and our climate .
significant adj. 重大的
communities 大眾
community n.社區; 社会團體; 共同体; [生態] 群落
harmful adj. 有害的
effect N. 效果 ----> harmful effects
affect V. 影響 ----> affect the entire planet
合併句子: These harmful effects will affect the entire planet.
impact V. 衝擊 ----> The wisdom tooth impacted the molar.智齒衝擊到臼齒
wisdom tooth 智齒
molar 臼齒
Sea level rise is accelerating . The number of large wildfires is growing. Dangerous heat waves are becoming more common . Extreme storm events are increasing in many areas. More sever droughts are occurring in others.
Sea level 海平面
accelerate V. 加速
wildfires 野火
heat waves 熱浪
storm 暴風雨(雪)
severe adj. 嚴重的
droughts 乾旱
flood 水災(洪水、淹水)
famine 飢荒
earthquake 地震
typhoon 颱風 (= cyclone )
hurricane 颶風
tornado 龍捲風
extreme adj. 極度、極端
increase V. 增加 <---> decrease V. 減少
immediate adj. 立即(刻)
address N.住址 V.處理
consequence N. 後果
intensify V. 增強