昆⼠蘭科技⼤學_信息系統建模技術_IAB201 Modelling Techniques for Information Systems

Assessment Tasks

Your task is to design two (2) conceptual information models, using two different modelling languages, that each characterise an effective and efficient way to represent the information described in the scenario below. See the Deliverables section following the scenario description for more details of what is required.
您的任務是使⽤兩種不同的建模語⾔設計兩 (2) 個概念信息模型,每種模型都以⼀種有效且⾼效的⽅式來表⽰以下場景中描述的信息。有關所需內容的更多詳細信息,請參閱場景描述後⾯的可交付成果部分。

The following scenario is based on a (fictitious) small airline, Wide Bay Air, which carries passengers between mainland airfields located at Redcliffe and Bundaberg, and two island tourist facilities – Lady Elliot Island, and Lady Musgrave Island.
This assessment is based ONLY on the following scenario.

以下場景基於⼀家(虛構的)⼩型航空公司Wide Bay Air,該航空公司在位於雷格雷夫夫⼈島)之間運送乘客。

Wide Bay Air (WBA) is a small airline that operates a fleet of fixed-wing (aeroplane) and rotary-wing (helicopter) aircraft. WBA provides passenger services for people wishing to travel to Lady Elliot Island and Lady Musgrave Island. WBA operates from airports located at Redcliffe and Bundaberg (on the mainland) and airstrips located on Lady Elliot Island and Lady Musgrave Island.

Wide Bay Air (WBA) 是⼀家⼩型航空公司,運營著⼀⽀由固定翼(⾶機)和旋轉翼(直升機)⾶機組成的機隊。WBA 為希望前往埃利奧特夫⼈島和⾺斯格雷夫夫⼈島的旅客提供客運服務。 WBA 從位於雷德克利夫和班達伯格(⼤陸)的機場以及位於埃利奧特夫⼈島和⾺斯格雷夫夫⼈島的機場運營。

Airports and airstrips are identified by an International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) code. Airports used by WBA have the following ICAO codes – Redcliffe YRED, Bundaberg YBUD, Lady Elliot Island LYT, and Lady Musgrave Island YLMI.

機場和簡易機場由國際⺠⽤航空組織 (ICAO) 代碼標識。 WBA 使⽤的機場具有以下 ICAO 代碼 - 雷德克利夫 YRED、班達伯格 YBUD、埃利奧特夫⼈島LYT 和⾺斯格雷夫夫⼈島 YLMI。

Passenger aircraft are described according to Category and Class Rating (see Table 1). Pilots are endorsed to fly aircraft of particular Categories and Class Ratings. For instance, a given pilot may be endorsed to fly both Single-engine Aeroplanes, and Single-engine Helicopters. Pilots are not allowed to fly aircraft for which they are not endordsed.


表 1 - 與 Wide Bay Air 相關的⾶機類別和等級評級。

WBA’s fleet of aircraft are shown in Table 2. Each aircraft has an identifying registration number. The aircraft’s make and model are recorded, along with its category and class rating. WBA also records the number of bookable seats on the aircraft (i.e. maximum number of passengers the aircraft can carry), the aircraft’s weight (in kilograms) when empty (tare weight), the maximum allowed take-off weight (MTOW), and the operating range (in kilometers) of the aircraft (the distance it can safely fly without refuelling).

WBA 的機隊如表 2 所⽰。每架⾶機都有⼀個識別註冊號。記錄⾶機的品牌和型號,以及其類別和等級評級。 WBA還記錄⾶機上可預訂座位數(即⾶機可承載的最⼤乘客數)、⾶機空載重量(公⽄)(⽪重)、最⼤允許起⾶重量(MTOW)以及⾶機的運⾏範圍(以公⾥為單位) (無需加油即可安全⾶⾏的距離)。

WBA also records details about the pilots it employs.
WBA 還記錄其僱⽤的⾶⾏員的詳細信息。

Table 3 – WBA Pilots
表 3 - WBA ⾶⾏員

Table 4 – WBA Pilot Endoresements
表 4 - WBA ⾶⾏員認可

WBA organises its operations around routes between airports/airstrips. 
WBA routes are shown in Table 5.

WBA 圍繞機場/簡易機場之間的航線組織運營。

Specific Flights operated by WBA involve, a Route, an Aircraft and a set of date/times (for simplicity’s sake, we will limit this to pilot on-board, take-off, and landing times). Also, a Pilot will be assigned to a Flight. It is important to note that the allocation of an aircraft to a flight determines the number of passengers that can book for the flight as well as the weight of luggage that may be carried. Table 6 is an extract of the list of WBA flights.

WBA 運營的特定航班涉及航線、⾶機和⼀組⽇期/時間(為簡單起⾒,我們將其限制為機上⾶⾏員、起⾶和著陸時間)。此外,⼀名⾶⾏員將被分配到⼀個航班。需要注意的是,⾶機的航班分配決定了可預訂該航班的乘客數量以及可攜帶的⾏李重量。
表 6 是WBA 航班列表的摘錄。

表 6-WBA 航班

The reports below are examples of flight manifests for WBA flights (where a manifest lists all details of the flight including aircraft, pilot, and passengers). Note that WBA allows 90kg/person on the flight as person weight (as people boarding the aircraft are not individually weighed).

以下報告是 WBA 航班的航班艙單⽰例(艙單列出了航班的所有詳細信息,包括⾶機、⾶⾏員和乘客)。
請注意,WBA 允許航班上每⼈ 90 公⽄作為⼈員重量(因為登機的⼈員不會單獨稱重)。

There are a number of constraints that govern Wide Bay Air’s operations. These include:
• The number of passengers booked on any flight cannot exceed the number of bookable seats in the aircraft assigned to the flight;
• An aircraft can only be assigned to a flight if it is capable of flying the route for the flight;
• A pilot can only be assigned to a flight if the pilot’s license carries an endorsement for the category and class rating of the aircraft assigned to the flight;
• A pilot cannot be assigned to concurrent flights. (Here concurrent flights may be taken as where the pilot on-board to landing times of one flight overlap with pilot on-board and landing times of another flight.)
• A pilot cannot be assigned to a flight if the pilot has not had at least 10 hours non-flying time in the previous 24 hours;

Wide Bay Air 的運營受到許多限制。這些包括:
  • 任何航班預訂的乘客⼈數不得超過分配給該航班的⾶機上可預訂座位數;
  • 僅當⾶機能夠⾶越該航班的航線時,才可以將其分配給該航班;
  • 僅當⾶⾏員的執照帶有分配給該航班的⾶機的類別和等級評級的認可時,才可以將⾶⾏員分配給該航班;
  • ⾶⾏員不能被分配到並發航班。 (這裡,⼀個航班的⾶⾏員到機到著陸時間與另⼀個航班的⾶⾏員到機到著陸時間重疊,可以認為是同時⾶⾏。)
  • 如果⾶⾏員在過去 24 ⼩時內沒有⾄少 10 ⼩時的⾮⾶⾏時間,則不能將其分配到航班;

You are required to submit the following items for Task 1:
1. A list of elementary facts that fully and explicitly verbalise the fact types contained in the scenario description.
2. A conceptual schema model produced using the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) language, using the Barker notation, which fully captures all of the fact types and any necessary constraints.
3. A conceptual schema model produced using the Object Role Modelling (ORM) language, which fully captures all of the fact types and any necessary constraints.
Having completed the two (2) models. In items 4 and 5 below, describe to your business owner specific elements that perhaps are not able to be shown in the model. Think of it as telling a story to the business owner so they can fully understand what the solution will and will not include.
4. A textual description of the ERD model, prepared for the business owner, as an aid to communicating and understanding the less obvious features of the model (200-300 words)
5. A textual description of the ORM model, prepared for the business owner, as an aid to communicating and understanding the less obvious features of the model (200-300 words)

您需要為任務 1 提交以下項⽬:
1. 基本事實列表,充分、明確地描述場景描述中包含的事實類型。
2. 使⽤實體關係圖 (ERD) 語⾔和 Barker 表⽰法⽣成的概念束。
3. 使⽤對象⾓⾊建模(ORM)語⾔⽣成的概念模式模型,它完全捕獲所有事實類型和任何必要的約束。

已完成兩 (2) 個模型。在下⾯的第 4 項和第 5 項中,向您的企業主描述可能無法在模型中顯⽰的特定元素。將其視為向企業主講述⼀個故事,以便他們能夠充分了解解決⽅案將包含哪些內容以及不包含哪些內容。 

4. 為企業主準備的 ERD 模型的⽂字描述,作為幫助為企業主準備的ORM模型的⽂本描述,作為溝通和理解溝通和理解模型的不太明顯的特徵(200-300字) 


Using a reflective style (your opinion) of writing compare and contrast the two languages used to model the scenario in Task 1. Refer to any lecture materials or research (reference any sources).
(300-500 words)

Consider the following;
• Compare and contrast the two (2) modelling languages against themselves.
• Compare each model to the model quality criteria as presented in lectures.
• Which modelling language was easier, why, and at what cost (trade-off)?
• Were there any aspects of the scenario that were difficult to model? Were you able to work around these? If so, how? If not, explain why not?
• Draw your opinions together and conclude which modelling language is better.

使⽤反思⾵格(您的意⾒)寫作⽐較和對⽐⽤於模擬任務 1 中場景的兩種語⾔。參考任何講座材料或研究(參考任何來源)。(300-500字)

  • ⽐較和對⽐兩 (2) 種建模語⾔。
  • 將每個模型與講座中提出的模型質量標准進⾏⽐較。
  • 哪種建模語⾔更容易,為什麼,以及成本是多少(權衡)?
  • 該場景是否有哪些⽅⾯難以建模?你能活用這些工具嗎?如果是這樣,怎麼做的?如果不是,請解釋為什麼不?
  • 匯集您的意⾒並得出哪種建模語⾔更好的結論。

aircraft category跟class rating這邊實體與ERD怎麼規劃設計?
Aircraft Category和Class Rating是描述Passenger Aircraft和Pilots的屬性。
Aircraft Category和Class Rating都是列舉型別,它們的值是固定的,因此可以將它們視為實體的屬性,而不是單獨的實體。
在ERD中,可以將Aircraft的Category和Class Rating作為Aircraft實體的屬性,如下所示:

Table 1: Aircraft
- ID (primary key)
- Type
- Capacity
- Tare Weight
- Maximum Take-off Weight (MTOW)
- Operating Range (in kilometers)
- Category (enumeration)
- Class Rating (enumeration)

Aircraft實體包含了所有與飛機相關的屬性,包括Category和Class Rating。這些屬性都是Aircraft實體的一部分,因此它們不需要單獨的實體來表示。

WBA Pilot Endoresements跟Pilot之間關聯ERD如何設計?

WBA Pilot Endorsements是描述Pilots的屬性,每個Pilot可以擁有多個Endorsements。因此,Pilot和Endorsements之間是一個1對多的關係。


- Pilot ID
- Licence Number
- Surname
- Firstname

- Category
- Class
- Rating

Pilot 1---* Endorsement




Table 1: Route
- ID (primary key)
- Origin
- Destination
- Distance (in kilometers)

Table 2: Aircraft
- ID (primary key)
- Type
- Capacity
- Tare Weight
- Maximum Take-off Weight (MTOW)
- Operating Range (in kilometers)
- Category (enumeration)
- Class Rating (enumeration)

Table 3: Flight
- ID (primary key)
- Route ID (foreign key referencing Table 1)
- Aircraft ID (foreign key referencing Table 2)
- Pilot On-board Time
- Take-off Time
- Landing Time

Table 4: Route_Flight_Aircraft
- Route ID (foreign key referencing Table 1)
- Flight ID (foreign key referencing Table 3)
- Aircraft ID (foreign key referencing Table 2)


- Route實體包含Origin、Destination和Distance屬性,表示航班的起點、終點和距離。
- Aircraft實體包含Type、Capacity、Tare Weight、Maximum Take-off Weight (MTOW)、Operating Range、Category和Class Rating屬性,表示飛機的型號、容量、空重、最大起飛重量、航程、類別和等級。
- Flight實體包含Pilot On-board Time、Take-off Time和Landing Time屬性,表示航班的機長上機時間、起飛時間和降落時間。
- Route、Aircraft和Flight之間的關係由一個關聯實體表示,包含Route ID、Aircraft ID和Flight ID屬性,表示航班的路線、飛機和日期/時間。


- 一個Route可以對應多個Flight,一個Flight只能對應一個Route。
- 一個Aircraft可以對應多個Flight,一個Flight只能對應一個Aircraft。
- 一個Route、一個Aircraft和一個Flight之間存在多對多的關係。

- Route ID
- Origin
- Destination
- Distance (kms)

- Aircraft ID
- Category
- Class Rating

- Flight ID
- Pilot ID
- Aircraft ID
- Route ID
- Take-off time
- Landing time

Route 1---* Flight
Aircraft 1---* Flight



何謂淨重(Net Weight)、皮重(Tare Weight)與毛重(Gross Weight)

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